Monday, January 9, 2017

IMPORTANT Science Fair Timeline and Overview

4th Grade Science Fair
January 2017
In order to have a successful science fair, please consider the following:

  • PLEASE purchase a 3-SIDED POSTER BOARD. (Partners share one poster)

  • Start collecting materials such as scrapbook paper and cut-out letters to be used on the posters.

  • Remember to have pictures taken of you doing your experiment! You will print these to add to your poster.

  • You may work with another student from your class (with parent permission as you will need to schedule times to get together)

  • All your work should be typed in a Google Doc (in one document).  Final sections will need to be printed.

  • Posters will be put together in-class, but you are responsible for completing all the following sections ahead of time. See below for dates:

Introduction- Science Fair Kick-Off!
Friday, 1/6/17
Due: Wednesday, 1/11
Due: Tuesday, 1/17
Materials and Procedure
Due: Tuesday, 1/24
Completed experiment (including photographs), results (data chart), and conclusion
Due: Thursday, 2/16
Science Fair
Wednesday, 2/22 2:00pm

  • All sections of the project will need to be printed prior to 2/16 (in font large enough for poster)
  • Posters will be completed in class 2/16-2/21.  Bring in scissors and a glue stick.
  • Science Fair presentations Wednesday, February 22nd at 2:00pm.  Families are welcome to attend!

As always, please contact us with any questions.

The Fourth Grade Team

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