Tuesday, April 30, 2019

4/30 Homework

Homework - April 30, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Spelling: 1 Menu Choice
       Test: Monday 5/6

-Math: Home Link 6-5

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

**Bring in spiral notebook for next PBL project ASAP

Thursday, April 18, 2019

4/18 Homework

Homework - April 18, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 6-4

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

**Bring in spiral notebook for next PBL project by 4/29

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

4/17 Homework

Homework - April 17, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 6-3

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

**Bring in spiral notebook for next PBL project by 4/29

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

4/16 Homework

Homework - April 16, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 6-2

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

**Bring in spiral notebook for next PBL project by 4/29

Monday, April 15, 2019

4/15 Homework

Homework - April 15, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 6-1

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

**Bring in spiral notebook for next PBL project by 4/29

Thursday, April 11, 2019

4/11 Homework

Homework - April 11, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

**Bring in spiral notebook for next PBL project by 4/29

Return Report Card Envelope ASAP!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

4/10 Homework

Homework - April 9, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

**Bring in spiral notebook for next PBL project by 4/29

Return Report Card Envelope ASAP!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

4/9 Homework

Homework - April 9, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

- Spelling: WS
     -Test: Wednesday 4/10

-Math: WS solve using partial products

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

**Bring in spiral notebook for next PBL project by 4/29

Return Report Card Envelope ASAP!

Monday, April 8, 2019

4/8 Homework

Homework - April 8, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

- Spelling: WS
     -Test: Wednesday 4/10

-Math: Review for Test

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Return Report Card Envelope ASAP!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

4/4 Homework

Homework - April 4, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

- Spelling: WS
     -Test: Wednesday 4/10

-Math: Home Link 5-13

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

4/3 Homework

Homework - April 2, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

- Spelling: WS
     -Test: Wednesday 4/10

-Math: Home Link 5-12

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

4/2 Homework

Homework - April 2, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 5-11

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Monday, April 1, 2019

4/1 Homework

Homework - April 1, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 5-10

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar