Thursday, January 31, 2019

1/31 Homework

Homework - January 31, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 4-9

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

-Please return your signed report card envelope ASAP

Friday is Patriots Day!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

1/30 Homework

Homework - January 30, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 4-8

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

-Please return your signed report card envelope ASAP

Friday is Patriots Day!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

1/29 Homework

Homework - January 29, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 4-7

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

-Please return your signed report card envelope ASAP

Friday is Patriots Day!

Monday, January 28, 2019

1/28 Homework

Homework - January 28, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 4-6

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

-Please return your signed report card envelope ASAP

Friday is Patriots Day!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

1/24 Homework

Homework - January 24, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 4-5

-Spelling: Worksheet
        TEST: Friday 1/25

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Friday is Bruins and Celtics Day 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

1/23 Homework

Homework - January 23, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 4-4

-Spelling: Worksheet
        TEST: Friday 1/25

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Friday is Bruins and Celtics Day 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

1/22 Homework

Homework - January 22, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 4-3

-Spelling: Worksheet
        TEST: Friday 1/25

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Thursday, January 17, 2019

1/17 Homework

Homework - January 17, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Extended Fact WS

-Spelling: Snowflake with Spelling Words
        TEST: Friday 1/25

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

1/16 Homework

Homework - January 16, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: HL 4-2

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

1/15 Homework

Homework - January 15, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: HL 4-1

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Monday, January 14, 2019

Early Release Reminder - Wednesday 1/16

Don't Forget!!
Wednesday, January 16th 
is an Early Release Day
Students will be 
released at 12:50pm

1/14 Homework

Homework - January 14, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Multiplication fact WS

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Thursday, January 10, 2019

1/10 Homework

Homework - January 10, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Tomorrow is PATRIOTS Day!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

1/8 Homework

Homework - January 8, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 3-13

-Spelling: 1 Menu Choice
Spelling Test will be Wednesday 1/9

-Science: Volcano Model Due February 15th

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Monday, January 7, 2019

1/7 Homework

Homework - January 7, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 3-12

-Spelling: 1 Menu Choice
Spelling Test will be Wednesday 1/9

-Science: IMPORTANT Volcano Research Due TOMORROW 1/8

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Thursday, January 3, 2019

1/3 Homework

Homework - January 3, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 3-11

-Spelling: 1 Menu Choice
Spelling Test will be Wednesday 1/9

-Science: IMPORTANT Volcano Research Due 1/8

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

1/2 Homework

Homework - January 2, 2019
Everything is due the following day unless otherwise specified.

-Math: Home Link 3-10

-Spelling: 1 Menu Choice
Spelling Test will be Wednesday 1/10

-Read 20 min and record on reading calendar