Thursday, January 29, 2015

1/29 Homework

Homework - January 29, 2015

Math - WS

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 19 Pg. 92 - 95 (all sections, including using 2 words in an advertisement) - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 19 Pg. 110 - 115 (all sections) - Due Friday

Language Arts: Possessive Nouns - Day 4

Science: Estle: Volcano
             Chisholm: Volcano

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3 - Finish Fossil Packet
                                   - Chisholm 2/4 - Finish Fossil packet

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

**Return your circle journal signed by a parent**

Monday, January 26, 2015

Susan Spellman

We were so fortuante to have Susan Spellman, a local illustrator, come to visit LSS today. She shared with the students how she illustrated the book Every Turtle Counts by Sarah Hoagland Hunter, answered questions and even walked them through how to draw their own turtles. You can find out more about Susan from her website:

1/26 Homework

Homework - January 26, 2015

**With the upcoming snow storms, please keep up with the work (spelling, LA, and reading calendar) so you are on track for when we return**

Math - None

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 19 Pg. 92 - 95 (all sections, including using 2 words in an advertisement) - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 19 Pg. 110 - 115 (all sections) - Due Friday

Language Arts: Possessive Nouns - As many days as you need, depending on snow days.

Science: Estle: Volcano
             Chisholm: Volcano

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

Thursday, January 22, 2015

1/22 Homework

Homework - January 22, 2015

Math - Worksheet

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 17 Pg. 86 - 89 (all sections) and 50 words in ABC order - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 17 Pg. 106 - 108 (all ) and 25 words in ABC order - Due Friday

Language Arts: Adjectives - Day 4

Science: Estle: Volcano research
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

1/21 Homework

Homework - January 21, 2015

Math - Worksheet

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 17 Pg. 86 - 89 (all sections) and 50 words in ABC order - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 17 Pg. 106 - 108 (all ) and 25 words in ABC order - Due Friday

Language Arts: Adjectives - Day 3

Science: Estle: Volcano research
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

***Return Circle Journal - Due Friday***

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

1/20 Homework

Homework - January 20, 2015

Math - Worksheet

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 17 Pg. 86 - 89 (all sections) and 50 words in ABC order - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 17 Pg. 106 - 108 (all ) and 25 words in ABC order - Due Friday

Language Arts: Adjectives - Day 1

Science: Estle: Volcano research
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

***Return Circle Journal - Due Friday***

Thursday, January 15, 2015

1/15 Homework

Homework - January 15, 2015

Math - Worksheet (1 side)

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 17 Pg. 82 - 85 (all sections) and 10 words in sentences - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 17 Pg. 100 - 105 (no write to the point) - Due Friday

Language Arts: Adjectives - Day 4

Science: Estle: Volcano research
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

***Return Circle Journal - Due Friday***

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

You're Invited!

1/14 Homework

Homework - January 14, 2015

Math - Worksheet (1 side)

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 17 Pg. 82 - 85 (all sections) and 10 words in sentences - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 17 Pg. 100 - 105 (no write to the point) - Due Friday

Language Arts: Adjectives - Day 3

Science: Estle: Volcano research
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

***Return Circle Journal - Due Friday***

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

1/13 Homework

Homework - January 13, 2015

Math - Worksheet (1 sides) - Use the provided grid paper

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 17 Pg. 82 - 85 (all sections) and 10 words in sentences - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 17 Pg. 100 - 105 (no write to the point) - Due Friday

Language Arts: Adjectives - Day 2

Science: Estle: Volcano research
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

***Return Circle Journal - Due Friday***

Monday, January 12, 2015

1/12 Homework

Homework - January 12, 2015

Math - Worksheet (1 sides)

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 17 Pg. 82 - 85 (all sections) and 10 words in sentences - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 17 Pg. 100 - 105 (no write to the point) - Due Friday

Language Arts: Adjectives - Day 1

Science: Estle: Volcano research - BRING VOLCANO RESEARCH TOMORROW
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

***Return Circle Journal - Due Friday***

Thursday, January 8, 2015

1/8 Homework

Homework - January 8, 2015

Math - Worksheet (2 sides)

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 16 Pg. 78 - 81 (all sections) - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 16 Pg. 94 - 99 (no write to the point or dictionary skills) - Due Friday

Language Arts: Antonyms - Day 4

Science: Estle: Volcano research
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

1/7 Homework

Homework - January 7, 2015

Math - Worksheet (2 sides)

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 16 Pg. 78 - 81 (all sections) - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 16 Pg. 94 - 99 (no write to the point or dictionary skills) - Due Friday

Language Arts: Antonyms - Day 3

Science: Estle: Volcano research
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

1/6 Homework

Homework - January 6, 2015

Math - Worksheet (2 sides)

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 16 Pg. 78 - 81 (all sections) - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 16 Pg. 94 - 99 (no write to the point or dictionary skills) - Due Friday

Language Arts: Antonyms - Day 2

Science: Estle: Volcano research
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Volcano Due Dates- Estle 2/3
                                   - Chisholm 2/4

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**

Monday, January 5, 2015

1/5 Homework

Homework - January 5, 2015

Math - Worksheet (2 sides)

Spelling: Peacock: Lesson 16 Pg. 78 - 81 (all sections) - Due Friday
           Jungle Penguins: Lesson 16 Pg. 94 - 99 (no write to the point or dictionary skills) - Due Friday

Language Arts: Antonyms - Day 1

Science: Estle: Volcano research - BRING IN TOMORROW
             Chisholm: Volcano research

**Read 20 minutes have an adult initial your calendar**