Wednesday, August 30, 2017

8/30 Homework

Homework - August 30,  2017


Spelling: Lesson  Due
 Jungles: Pages
 Peacocks: Pages

Language Arts:

Science: Estle:

Social Studies:


-Return School Paperwork ASAP
-Return Twitter Letter
-Me Bag (optional signup)

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

8/29 Homework

Homework - August 29,  2017


Spelling: Lesson  Due
 Jungles: Pages
 Peacocks: Pages

Language Arts:

Science: Estle:

Social Studies:


-Return School Paperwork ASAP
-Me Bag (optional signup)

Monday, August 28, 2017

8/28 Homework

Homework - August 28,  2017


Spelling: Lesson  Due
 Jungles: Pages
 Peacocks: Pages

Language Arts:

Science: Estle:

Social Studies:


-Return School Paperwork ASAP
-Me Bag (optional signup)

About 4-Estle

Welcome to 4-Estle

I am looking forward to a fun and exciting year! Please read the following information to help you learn a little bit about how our classroom works.

Information Sharing
You can access a great deal of class information through our blog and twitter.

The blog is your all access to homework assignments, project information, field trip reminders, and offers a sneak peak into our day with photos, etc.
Please sign up for email notifications by visiting On the left side of the page you will see “follow by e-mail,” enter your e-mail address and you will need to verify your e-mail by clicking on a link that is sent to your email address. Once you sign up you will receive an update between 3pm and 5pm each day there is a new blog post.

Our Twitter page is also a great way to see what 4-Estle is up to! Please follow us by using @mrsestle.

This year your student will be using an assignment book to keep track of their nightly assignments. I do not require that you sign them each night, I am hopeful this will be a new way for them to establish a sense of independence. You student should bring it back and forth from home to school every day. Please feel free to visit the blog if you or your student are questioning requirements, due dates, etc.

Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday nights, and there may be an occasional project. You can expect a math worksheet and a language arts activity nightly. If you find your student struggling with anything please let me know.

We are a peanut free classroom this year. We will be eating snack in the classroom so I ask you to please be sure your student’s snack is peanut free.

Special Schedule
Monday - PE (sneakers)
Tuesday - Music
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - PE (sneakers)
Friday - Library (bring books!)

Open House
Save the date! The evening of Thursday, September, 14th will be open house.

If you ever have any questions about anything please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for sharing your kids with me-

Hallie Estle

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Summer Reading

Just finished the last book in my summer reading pile. What have you been reading 4-Estle??